Cichlids ? What are we talking about ?
Above : A picture of a Cyrtocara Moorii (blue fish in center)
Cichlids are fish from the "Cichlidae" family. They are freshwater fish and form one the largest vertebrate families in the world. Most of the species that we'll discuss here come from African rift lakes. Some species however, from South America for example, live in rivers and slow moving waters. Fish from Cichlidae family possess a unique kind of behaviour and bright colors. Cichlids can fight for their territory, food and mates. There is often a real "hierarchy" in Cichlids aquarium : one fish will dominate the other and will show great colors as a consequence. With that in mind, now you know that a large tank is preferable for them. That's it people ! This article may now give you an idea of what kind of fish Cichlids are. Just stay tuned for even more infos, advices and species description daily !